Biyernes, Marso 24, 2017


                Gestalt psychology
·         Gestalt is a German word, meaning "from" or "configuration.
·         It is a school of psychology founded in the 20th century that provided the foundation for the study of perception.
·         Gestalt theory emphasizes that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
                                                                         Founders of Gestalt Psychology
Max Wertheimer
·         born on April 15,1880
·         he died on October 12,1943
·         one of the principal proponents of Gestalt Psychology which emphasized higher-order cognitive processes in the midst of behaviorism.
Kurt Koffka
·         born on January  22, 1887
·         died on June 11, 1967
·         He is best known  for his experiments with problem solving in apes and tenerife and the influence of his writings in the founding of Gestalt psychology.
- the idea of it was first developed by Kohler in which he described experiments with APES where the apes could use boxes and sticks to solve the problems.
- Kohler described 3 properties of insight learning:
1. Insight learning is based on the animal perceiving the solution to the problem.
2. Insight learning  is not dependent on the reward.
3. Once a problem has been solved, It is easier to solve a problem.
·         LAW OF PROXIMITY- states that object or shapes that are close to one another appear to form  groups.
·         LAW OF SIMILARITY- states that thing which share visual characteristics such as shape, visual characteristics such as shape, size, color, texture, or value will be seen as belonging togethers in the viewers mind.
·         LAW OF CLOSURE- we tend to fill the gaps or "close" the figures we perceive. We enclose a space by completing a space by completing contour and ignoring gaps in the figure.
·         LAW OF GOOD CONTINUATION- individuals have the tendency to continue contours whenever the elements of the pattern establish an implied direction.
·         LAW OF FRAGRANZ- stimulus will be organized into as good a figure as possible.
·         LAW OF FIGURE/ GROUND- we tend to pay attention.

This lesson focus on how learners will solve the situation they've encounter. How they will think on solving problems in a certain situation. 

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