Biyernes, Marso 24, 2017


-focuses on the study of of observable and measurable behavior.
IVAN PAVLOV(1849-1936)
          -a russian phisiologist and is well known for his work in classical conditioning or stimulus substitution.
*Stimulus Generalization
*Spontaneous Recovery

          - connectionism theory gave the original S-R framework of behavioral psychology.
- that learning could be adequately explain without considering any unobservable internal states.
-Thorndike's theory on connectionism states that learning has taken place when a strong connection between a stimulus and response is formed.
·         LAW OF EFFECT- states that connection between a stimulus and response is strenghtend when the consequences is positive and the connection between stimulus and the response is weakened when the consequences is negative.
·         LAW OF EXERCISE- tell as that the more S-R bond is practiced the stronger it will become.
·         LAW OF READINESS- states that the more readiness the learner has to respond to the stimulus, the stronger will be the bond between them.
1.    Learning requires both practice and rewards.
2.    A series of S-R connections can be chained together if they belong to the same action.
3.    Transfer of learning occurs because of previously encountered situation.
4.    Intelligence is a function of the number tof connections learned.
JOHN WATSON(1878-1958)
          - was the first american psychologist to work with Pavlov's ideas. Initially involved in animal studies, hen later become involved in human behavior research.

REFLECTION: There are so many studies about behaviorism that every people has. Our behavior occurs in our everyday life that must been focusing. This behaviorism help learners to control thier behavior and develop more.

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