Miyerkules, Hunyo 21, 2017

Structures of the Philippine Government

Chapter 10 
                              Structures of the Philippine Government

Two Principles Inherent in a Presidential System
·         Separation of Power- the powers of government are divided into three independent departments, each supreme in its own sphere.
Three Departments of Government
1.      Legislative department- rule-making branch that enacts or makes the laws (Art. VI).
2.      Executive Department- rule-applying branch that applies or executes the law (Art. VII)
3.      Judicial Branch- rule-adjudicating branch that interprets or applies the laws in case of conflict or dispute between the state and individuals or between the branches of government and between individuals (Art. VIII).
·         Checks and Balances- the power of each department are not totally separate from one another.
-          Are tools to see to it that no departments dominates another.

Legislative Department
Legislative power is the authority to makes law and to alter or repeal them.
a.      The congress of the Philippines, which consists of a senate and House of Representative; and
b.      The people through the vision on initiative and referendum.

Qualification of a Senator
A senator must be:
1.      A natural-born citizen of the Philippines;
2.      At least v35 years of age on the day of the election or on the day the vote are cast and not on the day of proclamation;
3.      Able to read and write;
4.      A registered voter ; and
5.      A resident of the Philippines for not less than two years immediately preceding the day of the election.
Parliamentary privileges
Privilege from arrest
                The purpose of this privilege is to insure continuous representation of the constituents of the member of Congress that he may not be prevented from attending sessions if they committed civil and criminal offences punishable by not more than six years imprisonment.
Privilege of Speech and Debated
                This is to enable a member of Congress to express any views on matters of public interest during his discharge of legislative duties and be free by being questioned in any other place for liability such as label suit.

Sessions of congress
1.       Regular session- it is held once every year starting on the 4th Monday of july, unless a different date is fixed by law.
2.       Special session- it is called by the president when the legislator I in recess to consider urgent bills or matter which congress fails to finish within the regular session.
Quorum- refers to any number sufficient to transact business.
Majority- refers to fifty percent of the membership plus one.
Executive Department
The president as chief executive
Section 1.the executive power shall be vested in the President of the Philippines.
Executive Power- is the power to administer or implement the laws of the land.
Laws refer to statutes enacted by congress, executive orders of the president, and the decisions of the high court.
Qualification of the president and vice president
1.      a natural-born citizens;
2.      a registered voter;
3.      able to read and wright;
4.      at least 40 years of old on the day of election; and
5.      a resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately preceding he election.
Power of executive
1.      Power of appointment and removal;
2.      Power of control;
3.      Military power;
4.      Pardoning power;
5.      Diplomatic power; and
6.      Borrowing

REFFLECTION: the constitution has a department that will assign in every system to promulgate the rules and duties who is in the position so that it will easily solve the problem that encounters. the structures of Philippine government determine the good operation of the government for the success of their goals.

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