Miyerkules, Hunyo 21, 2017

Concept of Government

Chapter 3                                 Concept of Government

Government- is the agency or instrumentality trough which the will of the people is formulated expressed and realized. (Cruz 1991).
-      Is the body of people and institution that that make and inforce laws for society (Austin 1993).
Government and other organizationOther social organizations- authority applies only to its members. Membership is voluntary and by conscious choice. Rules made by one organization may be different from another and binding only to its members.Government- authority is comprehensive and it embraces all citizens. Membership does not apply but one automatically becomes a subject to its authority at birth. Rules are binding to all organization private or government.
Basic duties of Government1.   Insure domestic peace and order – such as enforcement of traffic rules maintenance of an effective police force suppression of domestic violence settling of individual or group dispute by an independent court conduct of rescue and relief operation during calamities protection of private property and lives of citizens.
2.   Establish the defense of the state and preservation of independence – like forging military alliance such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and RP-US Military Defense treaty or ASEAN Region Forum (ARF) to establish diplomatic ties with other states and build strong armed forces.
3.   Promote physical social and economic well-being of the people- implementation of social legislation such as land reform provide equitable distribution of property maintain public hospital free public education provide low cost housing provide employment opportunities and implement sports program.
4.   Promotion of general welfare public safety and public morality – enforce health standard regulate business to protect consumer arrest spread of diseases disallow driving clubs with bold shows prohibit illegal gambling and confiscate pornographic material.
5.   Secure economic development – maintain relationship with other state seek membership in international trade organization like APEC world trade organization adopt sound monetary and fiscal policies.
Technically speaking these duties and functions of the government fall under either of the following:CONSTITUENT FUNCTION (CRUZ 1991) such as maintainance of peace and order protection of person ad property and defense of the state.
MINISTRANT FUNCTIONS such as providing for free elementary and secondary education and low cost housing.
Approaches in Promoting the General Welfaresa)   Laissez-faire approach- literally means “Let Alone”.
                                       - Government should allow natural order to take place such as operation of market forces (law of supply and demand).
 b)   Socialist Approach- Government paly a big role in the economy.
                                 - Government determines what how and for whom to produce and distribute government service equitably for its citizen.
c)   Welfare-State Approach- a combination of laissez-faire and socialist approach.

reflection: the concept of government is the instrument of the people to have a good nation and the institution that forms some rules to protect the rights of the people and to reduce the rebellion others. the government give welfare and help people to have a good life for them not to suffer poverty.

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